Tuesday 22 February 2011

Wedensday 23rd February Banksie International High School

Banksie International School
660 students
Built in 1973
Mainly Anglo Australian
Students live in the surrounding area
24 countries recognised in its cohort
There are normally 60-80 international students studying there at any one time.
Banksie is on the tail end of the DEC programme to fund the 1:1 laptop programme.The students have only had their laptops for 3 weeks but already staff have noticed a big improvement in attitude to learning.
The school has :
  • 7 computer suites:
  • 160 machines
  • 3 computer suites specialising in animation and 3d photography and CAD
Resource centre has 66 laptop devices based in COWS (Laptop trolleys)
All staff have HP laptops
All year 9  and 10 students (260)have laptops
Ict is taught Cross curricular.
The Principle has just been reappointed to serve for another 5 years.Australian Principles have to reapply automatically for their jobs after 5 years.Teachers after every ten.
A very friendly school ,relaxed and welcoming.

Adelaide is home to the worlds most successful 3D animation industry.The local company has produced animation for Harry Potter and Avatar .It is home to Rising Sun productions and Holopoint.

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