Wednesday 23 February 2011

Australia Science and Mathematics School

The future is now!
No classrooms ,just learning spaces
9 Learning Commons
Small studio spaces,four of these are Science Labs
As the Teacher I spoke to said ''I am a facilitator to the students learning''.No sage on the stage!
ASMA built in 2003  on the campus of Flinders University,to serve students from Year 10-12
30 Teachers ,25 support staff.
Students on first name terms with all the staff.
Students are members of vertical tutor groups which meet for 40 minutes a day.
Students apply to join the school however they must be interested in learning Maths and Science.Students complete an application but also have to write a handwritten letter to confirm their interest.Prospective students are interviewed by Senior members of staff.
The curriculum is designed to focus on inquiry and problem based learning.Maths and Science are embedded in the programme of study and not taught discreetly.
Curriculum development is completed within teams .Time is built into the timetable to enable this to happen.The school closes on Tuesday, afternoons to provide time for Staff CPD.
The curriculum is delivered through the learning portal ,no text books were visible on our visit!
Students produce their own E Portfolio to showcase  their work.
Students learning is self directed in mixed classes of all age groups.Students find out their own ways of working .Peer to peer and group working was evident.Students were on task and purposeful in their learning.
What I take from today.
This visit has  reinforced my belief in the ongoing development of inquiry based learning and how important it will be to continue to develop our Year 10 lessons.I have seen today that given the right setting and curriculum that we can and will succeed both now and when we move into our new build at City Academy Norwich.

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