Saturday 19 March 2011

Outcomes of TIPD Trip

Medium  Term Goals

  • To develop good cross curricular links to enable digital technology to be used effectively in all faculty areas 
  • To develop collaborative learning using digital devices.

Short Term Goals

  • Deliver an assembly to students about the visit
  • Feedback to SLT the findings of my visit
  • Develop collaborative working with one group of students following the ASMS model 
  • Distributed to all Faculty heads the contact details of all schools to enable then to develop international links 

Views and feedback
A very inspiring and thought provoking week.It reinforced my view that collaborative working is the way forward to develop our students as independent learners.
ICT is not taught as a discreet subject .We observed students attempting to use a spreadsheet to present information however there was no evidence of formula being used to make the calculations.In light of these observations I  do believe that students need to be taught ICT skills to enable them use all  software and multimedia to enhance their outcomes.
Australia values vocational and academic learning with equal importance.I was extremely impressed that any   student offered an apprenticeship was able to combine their academic and vocational study with the full support of their school.
I do believe that the UK governments current attitude to Vocational learning will severely hamper the life chances of our most vulnerable students.It may also discourage the academically able from pursuing a future good quality apprenticeships after Year 11.
The school which delivered the model that truly encapsulatd high quality vocational and academic learning as one was Urrbrae Agricultural High School.Students were taught using the latest industry standard equipment in workshops and computer suites.The working farm and horticultural areas were managed and developed by the students .It was the delivery of Science using the wetland project which will leave a lasting imprint in my memory.A wonderful peaceful part of the school developed by students and used by other schools in the area.
Australian schools are resisting the introduction of a National Curriculum.The current model appears to offer Teacher the chance to specialized in their own subject whilst allowing the students to learn  about each subject without the need to teach each discreetly.The inquiry based and project learning appeared to motivate the students giving them the opportunity to drive their own learning . Students were also encourage to investigate   further research their favourite areas of study within  the current project .Students developed personal learning plans as they completed their projects. Students were given free reign to create these using software of their choice.
In conclusion,students are expected to take responsibility for their learning. The one to one laptop programme  appeared to have been successfully implemented in each school.Academic and vocational  education is valued by the government and business.
Back in the classroom
My Form Group were intrigued by my visit .My first assembly was well received .I find myself recounting the Australians students views and learning experiences too my students.When  I stood back and watched it I realised just how fortunate I was to take part in  a once in a lifetime opportunity that will last long in the memory .It reminded me life is a journey and you never stop learning.

Sunday 27 February 2011

Urrbrae Agricultural High School

Urrbrae Agricultural High School
The school was set up by a bequest from Peter Waite an early settler.The bequest is legally binding and the school must only use the facilities for educational purposes.
In 2000 redevelopment took place and inconjuction with the local TAFE new facilities were constructed on the site to allow both institutions to work together to offer opportunities to each others students.

Urrbrae Agricultural High School is the only comprehensive special interest agricultural secondary school in South Australia. It is recognised as a centre of excellence in student learning with a focus on agriculture, technology and the environment. Established as an Agricultural High School in 1932, it has continued to educate South Australian secondary students in an agriculturally focused curriculum to the present day. It is also recognised as a focus school in environmental education, land care and technology. These subjects are integrated across the school curriculum. Alongside these specialist subjects, Urrbrae students study the normal range of secondary school subjects except languages other than English, or can choose from the specialised certificate courses at senior school level.

Students apply for places by written application only.The students must demonstrate their interests ,attitude to the environment and  area of academic interests.
The school covers 105 Acres.One of the outstanding features of the school is its wetlands area.The school worked with the local council to develop an area prone to flooding into a valuable teaching resource .Students  learn about the habitats and species in the area in a well resourced classroom .

ICT is used across the curriculum however the school has not yet fully implemented the one to one laptop scheme .The Design Technology facilities were outstanding.Classrooms were fitted out with state of the art CAD CAM ,3D design and multimedia software packages used by Damlier Crysler and Holden.

A visit to the farm further reinforced the vocational meets academic study ethos of the school.We toured the farm .Visiting the Brewery,Piggery and Fishery.
Students learn how to press the grapes to produce wine.Olive oil is also produced on site.The pigs are sold for meat .
Year 8 students were busy cultivating the Horticultural Garden.They are allowed to sell their produce at the local school sale or to their family and friends.
Urrbrae's model is unique .In England ,vocational education is certainly not taught like this.It is often seen as a poor relation to academic study.
To experience the Urrbrae model was inspirational .Vocational education has never looked so good!